Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Chocolate Chip Muffin

Entah kenapa hari Minggu kemarin pengin makan muffin. Apalagi inget masih ada sisa Ceres Milky Chocolate Chip *enak!* Baca comments Chocolate Chip Muffins di blognya Sally's Baking Addiction banyak yang berhasil tanpa harus adjust lagi, ya sudahlah capcus aja langsung bikin. 

  • 3 cups (375) all-purpose flour (very careful not to overmeasure)
  • 4 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • 2 eggs, room temperature preferred
  • 1 cup (200g) granulated sugar
  • 1 cup (240ml) milk* 
  • 1/2 cup (120ml) canola oil (or vegetable oil/melted coconut oil)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 and 1/2 cups (270g) semi-sweet chocolate chips (or chocolate chunks; or dark chocolate; or milk chocolate)
  • coarse sugar for sprinkling (optional)
  • Preheat oven to 425F degrees. Spray your muffin tin of choice with non-stick spray or line with muffin liners. Set aside.
  • In a large bowl, gently toss together flour, baking powder, salt, cinnamon, and nutmeg. Mix until all dry ingredients are combined – a 20 second toss to disburse everything together. Set aside.
  • In a medium bowl, whisk together eggs and sugar until combined. Mix in milk, oil, and vanilla. Mixture will be pale and yellow. Fold wet ingredients into dry ingredients and mix everything together by hand with a wooden spoon. Avoid overmixing. Gently mix until all the flour is off the bottom of the bowl and no big pockets of flour remain. The batter will be VERY thick and somewhat lumpy. Fold in the chocolate chips.
  • Divide batter among prepared muffin tins, filling all the way to the top. Top with a sprinkle coarse sugar, if preferred. Bake at 425F degrees for 5 minutes. Reduce oven temperature to 375 and continue to bake for 25-26 minutes until tops are lightly golden and centers appear set.
  • Allow to cool for 10 minutes in pan before enjoying. Muffins taste best fresh the same day. Store muffins at room temperature in an airtight container for up to 5 days. Muffins freeze well, up to 3 months.
*Buttermilk is preferred for the moistest texture. 1% or higher milk fat of regular milk would be fine. Almond milk + soy milk are OK too.
*For 15-16 standard size muffins, reduce baking time to 18-19 total minutes: 5 initial minutes at the 425F and 13-14 minutes at 375F. For 30 mini muffins, bake for 11-12 minutes at 375F the entire time.

Tekstur muffinnya, light dan berongga.

Catetan gw:
  • Pas bikin, karena masih teler pengaruh obat flu, gw salah baca takeran oil. Harusnya 1/2 cup, gw masukin 1 cup :| Berhubung semua udah kecampur, sayang kalo dibuang. Lagian baking powdernya banyak, 4 tsp, jadi gw test aja masukin 6 cup tanpa chocolate chip ke oven. Untungnya berhasil.... pfiuuuhhh..... 
  • Susunya gw bikin jadi buttermilk. 1 cup fresh milk + cuka, didiemin sekitar 5-10menit. Fresh milknya mesti diangetin dikit, dan pengalaman gw, lebih cepet pake jeruk limo/nipis daripada cuka. Lemon juga bisa sih, cuma kan sayang amat :p
  • Tips supaya muffinnya membumbung tinggi seperti beli di toko, ngisi adonan sampe pas rata dengan tingginya cup liner, terus set suhu oven 250celcius untuk 7 menit pertama. Ini supaya muffinnya langsung naik, kemudian turunin suhunya jadi 200celcius sampe warna muffin kecoklatan. Oven gw Kirin, total waktu baking sekitar 20 menit.
  • Resep ini gak pake mixer, seneng deh gak banyak cucian piringnya.
  • Yang paling bikin hepi, kata bebe, "ini kue terenak yang Bubu pernah bikin!" Horeeeee :) :) :)

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